Monday, November 27, 2006


Hey guys, this will be the LAST tournament of the semester, so get your fix right now.
Bucknell - it may not be the best tournament, but we've always had a good time. Also, they have pretty good food. And, we can make our own party I guess.
Let me know if you want to go. As usual, partner preferences if you have, + contact e-mail. E-mail me directly at
Again, if you owe me money / receipts, I must have it this Tuesday or else you will owe it all in cash and cash alone.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Bucknell / Announcements

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
Bucknell will be the weekend after this one. It is the last tournament of the semester, so a good way to end. Please note that Bucknell's theme is "Bringing SexyBack" and will have a "most sexily dressed" contest. In other words, a GA full of debaters attempting to dress sexy. Please bring dark, dark sunglasses.
If you owe me money (Sam, Sean) I MUST have it at next Tuesday's meeting. If you don't have your cash / receipts by then, you will owe me all of it back in cash. Since the student accounts close that week, there will be no exceptions.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Important Information yeaaaaaaaaah

First off - there will be practice this coming week. It is non-mandatory, no administrative stuff, just debating. If you want to go, please send me an e-mail.
Secondly, If you owe me money / receipts, get in touch with me asap. I want to collect everything before Thanksgiving break - I will be here until Wednesday evening and I can meet with you guys at anytime Tuesday evening or Wednesday. If you don't get in touch with me before then, I am going to assume you'll be handing me back the money in cash.
Finally, APDA has an EOF survey available here
All submissions are anonymous. Please take this seriously since it will help the EOF program, and APDA, in the future.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Please send to whether you are able to go to the Fordham tournament November 17-18. See for the invitation. Their pre-registration is due TOMORROW (Monday) at midnight, so we need your information right away. Please include whether you have a preference for a partner and whether you are able to drive to the tournament.

Friday, November 10, 2006

One More Varsity for UPENN

Hey guys, we need one more varsity debater to go to UPenn. We already have a novice partner for you. Please let Sam or Dan know ASAP if you can go.

One more varsity for UPENN

Hey guys, we need one more varsity debater to go to UPenn. We already have a novice partner for you. Please let Sam or Dan know ASAP if you can go.

Important Announcements

Hi everyone. Just a few things:

First and foremost, Penn Pro-Ams is this weekend and we have a couple of debaters in search of partners! To those of you weary of attending, let me allay your fears: Penn is one of the greatest team bonding experiences of the semester. It is an incredibly entertaining, well-run, and well-judged tournament that happens to be much closer to us than Washington, DC or Connecticut. This tourney is a combination of convenience and quality, so you should make every effort to attend; I know you're busy, that comes with the whole "going to college" package, but this tournament is where many of us have some of our fondest debate will not be a waste of your time. And there are amazing crepes! Anyone who has not signed up already should contact Dan ( immediately.

While we are on the subject of time-wastage, please note that starting next Tuesday meetings will begin MUCH closer to 9:30. Shoot to arrive at 9:20; I have a class right before the meeting so I am consistently in B2 by 9:10 so I promise you won't be left alone if you arrive early. Much as inefficient ticket windows force students to wait for hours for a football ticket, tardiness makes meetings take longer than they have to. It's up to everyone to make sure meetings begin on time and progress smoothly.

To conclude, while not an "important announcement" per se, I would just like to say that the success of our team in all areas this year has been phenomenal. Each and every one of you continues to make great strides in everything you do, resulting in what I think is easily the deepest Rutgers team in any of our memory, from the most experienced varsity members to the most recent arrivals. Let's continue this success through the season, and in the years to come!

If you have any questions or concerns about anything at all, send me an e-mail (szeidman@eden). Thank you once again, and see you soon!




Reminder: We are meeting at 1PM SHARP! Student Center. Be there or be square. We will review teams one more time once we are there.
And as a personal suggestion - feel free to wear red / rutgers clothing tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Hey guys,
We will be meeting at 1pm SHARP for UPenn in front of the student center. You do not need to bring cases. Don't forget your flowpad and your sleeping gear though.
If you did not sign both a waiver and an itinerary, you must come to Thursday's practice to do so.
Let me know if you have any questions or problems. As usual, send e-mails directly to my address, do not reply to this one.

Monday, November 06, 2006

v. important notes on Penn

Hey guys,

Just a couple of things on Penn and how it's different from every other

- Most importantly, the tournament is *STRAIGHT LINK*. For those of you
that don't know what this means, it means that you will *not *be running
your own cases. Rather, government team in each round is given the
choice of one of several "resolutions", which must run straight-up.
They have 15 minutes to case before the round starts. We'll probably be
casing together as a team.

Sample resolutions from last year:

You are Dr. Frankenstein and you should create a wife for your monster.
You are Comcast, you should air Al-Jazeera.
You are President Bartlett in West Wing. Your nomination for Attorney
General has been discovered to have at some point supported racial
profiling. We say, don't withdraw his nomination.

(those are the three that I ran last year, and lost all three of them

Others were:

The US should militarily fund Taiwan
We should militarize space
US hegemony leads to stability
Israel should intervene on something or another on behalf of Jordan
London should ignore prostitutes or something
You are Simba - don't return to Pride Rock
Nixon should confront the USSR over something
Something about preventing media consolidation, etc.

Last year they had 3 resolutions every round, and one of them was always
a joke/less serious than the others; this year, they say they're doing 2
for the Friday rounds and 3 for the Saturday rounds. I don't think the
resolutions are ever opp-choice.

It sucks when you're gov and get a Hobson's choice of resolutions, none
of which you want to run - BUT it also means that opp (and LO) becomes
so much easier when you know what the other team is planning to run, and
know for sure they won't be running something borderline-spec or
borderline-tight. Also forces you to practice casing, while at the same
time giving you an excuse to put off writing those new cases for another

- The second most important thing about Penn is that it's Pro-Am. This
means that every team has to contain a novice, and most teams will be
Varsity-Novice. Novice-Novice teams get Top Novice Teams awards (and
all novices are eligible for top novice speaker awards), but Penn does
not have outrounds specifically for novice-novice teams. Meaning you
novices should probably debate with a varsity member, since you'll learn
more and also it's the only way we'll get to go. =(

- The third most important thing about Penn is that it is offering a
dino (dino meaning a person who has graduated from the circuit) round
"featuring some combination of Mike Mayernick, Jon Bateman, Robbie
Pratt, Chris Ford, and Greg Arthur." If you don't know those names,
just for now know that they are very very good debaters that graduated
last year, and that you'll probably see a very good/very funny debate
while waiting in GA.

- The fourth most important thing about Penn is that you should go.
It's a killer tournament.

Send reg to


Penn Reg

Hey guys, get your registration in immediately.
This tournament is a proam which means every team must have at least one novice member. So if you already have varsity / novice partner pairings, send them in. Otherwise, send in your individual reg and we will organize teams on Tuesday.
For last year's half-novii, I am not sure of your novice status for this tournament - Sam will let you guys know.
As usual, do not reply to this e-mail. Send your registration directly to my address.

Friday, November 03, 2006


In case you guys don't know yet... 10AM Rutgers Student Center
973 223 5887