Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Elections Results!

Hi, everyone. We are now proud to announce the results of the elections for the 2007-08 officers of the Rutgers University Debate Union:

President: Samuel Zeidman
Executive Vice President: Eisha Chopra
Vice President of Finance: Lorenzo Calinawan
Novice Coach: Simon Burger
Tournament Director: Edward Fu

Congratulations to everyone.

Also, keep an eye out for an announcement about some sort of end-of-year social event...we're gonna try to squeeze one in before the end of the semester.

Looking forward to seeing you all (even the seniors: our tournament needs dino judges!) next year,


Monday, April 23, 2007

Candidate statements up - the link to the candidate statements are at
the top left

If you still want to run for a position, email me your statement as soon
as possible, before our elections Tuesday night.



Saturday, April 21, 2007

Reminder: send in candidate statements for elections on Tuesday

Hey guys,

Just wanted to remind you all that elections are coming up on Tuesday, and
we strongly encourage everyone to attend and vote. There are several
seniors amongst us that are graduating, so we're looking for some new
leadership. The positions are:

VP Executive
VP Finance
Novice Coach
Tournament Director

As an e-board member, aside from your position's responsibilities, you
should try to attend tournaments somewhat regularly and be active on the
team; you should also regularly come to our own meetings.

If you're interested in running for a position please send me a candidate
statement that outlines what you would bring to the table if elected. It
needn't be particularly long or flowery - just why you should be elected.
We'll use it as a foundation for the Q&A session on Tuesday before we
vote, so we'd like to have it on the website ( in

Sunday night I'll be putting up the first of the candidate statements for
everyone to read over.



Sunday, April 15, 2007

Meeting this week cancelled/elections


First of all, thanks once again to everyone who helped out with the tournament. It was a great success, and we honestly could not have done it without you. Special thanks to Tournament Director Ed Fu, Housing Director Rebekah Lee, Judging Director Prashant Iyer, and Tab Director Dan Ahn, and to everyone else who went above and beyond in their help Friday and Saturday.

In light of the fact that so many of us put in so much time this past weekend, we are cancelling the meeting on Tuesday. The room will be available for an optional practice. In lieu of a meeting, we ask that everyone consider running for a position in RUDU elections, slated for Tuesday, April 24. We will be sending out specific information regarding available positions and their descriptions, but for now please start deliberating whether you wish to give back to Rutgers Debate and serve as an elected representative of the organization. We will also give guidelines for the creation and submission of candidate statements, so stay tuned.

Also, we hope to have some type of end-of-the-year social event for the team. Look for an announcement about that soon as well.

Thanks again,


Thursday, April 12, 2007

Tournament Information

Hi everyone, just a few quick announcements about the tournament.

First of all, thanks to everyone who has stepped up to help out with the myriad logistics involved with the tournament so far, and thanks in advance to all who have graciously volunteered to judge at the tournament. We will reward you all with three excellent meals throughout the weekend.

Please arrive at GA (Van Dyck 211) on Friday no later than 3:45. We need to make sure we have all the necessary judges, and will likely have last-minute things to take care of, such as configuring the tab room. If you have not done so, please provide Prashant ( with your contact information. Remember to be awake and at the SAC Raritan River Lounge (where Saturday's GA is being held) on Saturday by 9 AM.

Thank you once again; here's to an incredible tournament.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Sorry for being annoying: Rebekah's e-mail is


On 4/9/07, Rutgers Debate Union <> wrote:
> Hi, everyone! As you already know, this weekend is the 2007 Rutgers
> Invitational Tournament! We are in the process of making our final
> preparations for the tournament, and hope you are excited as we
> a tournament really is a great experience every year,
> and is always a great bonding experience for both our team members and
> APDA as a whole.
> A few things:
> you are able to house debaters on Friday night. Remember, every
> tournament we've gone to, we've relied on fellow students to house us;
> it's time to return the favor. Let her know where you live and how
> many people you are able to house. It is absolutely critical that we
> have as much housing as possible to ensure we can accomodate everyone,
> so please do your best.
> Next, the tournament itself. For a look at our wonderful invitation,
> visit
> If you are involved in judging, you must be at Van Dyck by 4PM at the
> absolute latest. If you are able to help out earlier than 4, e-mail us
> at
> To incentivize (a word that exists on APDA and APDA alone) you and
> your housemates to volunteer to host people, remember that it will
> entail you free access to the debate social event on Friday night
> (non-debate related people will have to pay a cover charge). If you
> have any questions or concerns, please let us know.
> Here's to an quality tournament.
> See you Friday,
> Sam
> --
> Posted by Rutgers Debate Union to Rutgers Debate News at 4/09/2007 11:56:27
> PM
> _______________________________________________
> Rutgers_Debate mailing list

Marina Shuty & Samuel Zeidman
Conference Managers
Rutgers Model Congress 2007

Institute for Domestic & International Affairs, Inc.
14 Easton Avenue #227
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901

Phone: +1 732-249-4227
Fax: +1 732-249-3992

Monday, April 09, 2007

Important Tournament Info! Please Read ASAP

Hi, everyone! As you already know, this weekend is the 2007 Rutgers
Invitational Tournament! We are in the process of making our final
preparations for the tournament, and hope you are excited as we a tournament really is a great experience every year,
and is always a great bonding experience for both our team members and
APDA as a whole.

A few things:

you are able to house debaters on Friday night. Remember, every
tournament we've gone to, we've relied on fellow students to house us;
it's time to return the favor. Let her know where you live and how
many people you are able to house. It is absolutely critical that we
have as much housing as possible to ensure we can accomodate everyone,
so please do your best.

Next, the tournament itself. For a look at our wonderful invitation,
If you are involved in judging, you must be at Van Dyck by 4PM at the
absolute latest. If you are able to help out earlier than 4, e-mail us

To incentivize (a word that exists on APDA and APDA alone) you and
your housemates to volunteer to host people, remember that it will
entail you free access to the debate social event on Friday night
(non-debate related people will have to pay a cover charge). If you
have any questions or concerns, please let us know.

Here's to an quality tournament.

See you Friday,
