Monday, September 24, 2007

Tuesday's meeting + Swarthmore information

Hey guys,

Right now I have the following people down as interested in Swarthmore Novice:

Farhan Ali
Judd Baroff
Lorraine Belostock
Justin Debrosse
Jacob W. Petterchak
Natasha Ravisetti
Barbara Silber
Mahathi Vojjala

If you still want to go to Swarthmore Novice, let me know soon. Email me or with your name, campus, and cell phone #. Again - it's a fantastic tournament, one of the best of the year, and a wonderful introduction into debate. It's a great chance to get used to being at a tournament in a non-competitive and helpful environment.

Everyone going to Swat Novice must make it to either the Tuesday or Thursday meeting this week. If you absolutely can't, email me, but we'd really like for you to at least be in one practice round before going to Swat.

Our next meeting is tomorrow night, Tuesday Sept. 24, 9:30PM in Hardenbergh B2. If you missed last week's meeting, that's okay, just come tonight and we'll catch you up. For those of you that did come last week, and/or are going to Swat Novice, we'll do a little last bit of training before putting you into practice rounds and critiquing your performance. If you aren't going to Swat, we still encourage you to come and try debating in a practice round, just to see what it's like.

Hope to see you tomorrow night!


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Swarthmore Novice Info

Hi guys,

A couple things I'll briefly mention:

1. Sorry about that spam email last week. I made a mistake and a bot got onto the mailing list; hopefully none of you actually believed that you had won the Dutch lottery. (And if you did, I have some oceanfront property to sell you.)

2. Swarthmore Novice (aka Swat Novice) tournament is next weekend on September 28-29 - again, it's definitely a wonderful experience because you're only competing against other novices, and no other tournament during the year is like that. There's a real party on Friday night too. We will be leaving for Swarthmore about noon to 1 PM on Friday, and we will be back on Saturday about 3 to 4PM. (If you have a Friday class, tell your professor and he will almost certainly be okay with it.)

3. If you're interested in going, please respond to this email or email the debate account ( with your Name, Campus, and Cell Phone #. Please do so as soon as possible - Swarthmore has capped their tournament this year to an abnormally small number of teams, and depending on how many people they will let us send, we may not be able to fit everyone. We will do our very best, however, and if we register with them earlier we are likely to get more slots. But if we can't squeeze you in, or if you just can't make it on Saturday, we will gladly take anyone willing to watch and not compete just for the Friday portion. Just let us know, either through email or at the meeting.

4. If you want to go to Swat Novice, you'll need three-four cases ready by that weekend. You should also definitely come to next Tuesday's meeting and the Thursday practices (see #6) - if you can't make it on Tuesday, let us know ASAP and definitely make it to the Thursday practices.

5. If you were not at last night's meeting - we still encourage you to go to Swat Novice. I would suggest, however, that you try to come to one of the Thursday practices (see below) - but at the very least you have to come to next Tuesday's meeting.

6. Our next administrative meeting is next Tuesday, same place / time (9:30PM at Hardenbergh B2). But I strongly encourage everyone to come out on Thursday nights as well for our practice meeting - we'll either run another novice training session, or alternatively run "pro-ams", where teams compoesd of one returning member and one novice debate each other. It's a great learning experience. (And if you want to bring a case to the Thursday practice, that would be awesome.)

Feel free to email me with any questions you have! Swat Novice has been one of the most enjoyable tournaments in years past, and we're hoping it's just as great this year.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Johns Hopkins this weekend


If anyone is interested in going to Hopkins this weekend (novices too,
if you feel like you want to go just talk to one of us), you should
probably come to the meeting tonight (9:30PM in Hardenbergh B2, as
always); if you can't make it tonight for some reason, email me or Sam.


Monday, September 10, 2007

Welcome Back!

Rutgers Debate is starting up again this year - our first meeting is tomorrow night, Sept. 11, at 9:30 PM in Hardenbergh B2 ( ). Hope to see you there!
