Wednesday, March 29, 2006


This is a reminder email for those going to Swat. For those of you who arent going and are getting this email - sorry for wasting your time in reading/deleting this post as well as some inbox space, this is the easiest way I could send a reminder out to 15 people.

The final registration is as follows:

Rutgers MT: Will Mon, Marielle Terzulli
Rutgers WB: Ilya Weinstein, Nick Brady
Rutgers IZ: Prashant Iyer, Sam Zeidman
Rutgers HM: Cindy Huang, Kat Meade
Rutgers BW: Simon Burger, James Williamson
Rutgers CV: Matt Vanucci, Dan Christopher

Judges: Rebekah Lee, Noam Katz, Jon Bullwinkel

Drivers: Sam Zeidman, Nick Brady, Noam Katz, and Simon Burger (I might be wrong about this one - let me know if I am)

We will be leaving Rutgers at 1:30 so please be at the Rutgers Student Center by that time (Swat runs 4 rouns on Friday so it is imperative that we leave on time b/c they will drop late teams). Please remember to bring the normal stuff that you would always bring. There will be a practice this Thursday night, so if you want to try out a case or just practice some before Swat, come to the practice.

See you Friday,

Elections and Future Debate Meetings

Hey everyone,

First of all thanks to all the candidates for their efforts, I hope that those not elected will still lend themselves to the betterment of the Union.


President: Sam Zeidman
VP: Rebekah Lee
VP Finance: Dan Ahn
Varsity Coach: Prashant Iyer
Novice Coach: Carl Kunda

Tournament Director: Ed Fu
PR Officer: Cindy Huang

Finally thanks a lot to our 05-06 E-Board, especially Ross Mazer, Ryan Gogol, and Will Mon who are moving on to better things next year.

There will be an additional practice this Thursday.

Next Tuesday's meeting will be to figure out what the team wants to do for the rest of the semester, and to plan our 'special' in-house tournament.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Election Day

Hello everyone,

As all of you should know Elections for the 2006-2007 RUDU E-board and Friends are being held in Hardenbergh B2 at 9:30 PM.  The meeting will begin promptly at 9:30 to ensure enough time for people going to Swat to have an opportunity to practice... so regardless of who you are, or what you might be running for, the meeting will not wait and votes will not be counted retroactively.  If for any reason you will be late, I highly suggest informing me of the person you have selected to vote for you in your absence (if I am not told in advance this will not be an option).  The order of elections will be top down, President, VP, VP Finance, Varsity Coach, Novice Coach, Tournament Director, PR Officer, CTO(?).  Please take the time to read the candidate statements located on our homepage (

See you tonight,
Carl Kunda

Sunday, March 26, 2006

election reminder

Hey everyone,

Please check up on the website for candidate statements before Elections on Tuesday.  There's a password now, but the hint should make it obvious.

I haven't received final statements from Cindy, Pearl, Matt V., or Simon yet: please don't be shitty novices.

Also, if you want to go to Swat and haven't talked to me yet, please e-mail me, or come to Tuesday's practice knowing that you can go.  We really need volunteers to meet their judging requirement, so if you'd like to go as a judge it would only require participating on Friday, and it's a lot less stressful than actually debating.

See you Tuesday,

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Tonight's Practice

Hi everyone.

Tonight's meeting is absolutely mandatory for anyone that wants to run for a position in next week's elections.  We'll also being organizing the last tournament of the year at Swarthmore College.

See you tonight.


Sunday, March 12, 2006

Re: Debate Elections

And finally, as CTO is a "special position" if there is an election for it, it will not count towards the max 2 position cap.

Re: Debate Elections

Sorry about messing up the dates. March 21 candidate announcements, and March 28 elections.

All e-board positions are mutually exclusive, an e-board member could hold a non-eboard position I suppose (like someone could be both VP Finance and CTO, or President and Tournament Director), but that would be an even bigger time commitment on top of an already enormous one. Additionally, the purpose of creating more elected positions is in the spirit of including more people.

CTO will be an appointed position unless someone would like to challenge Ed Fu's appointment at the March 21 meeting, after which, CTO will be an elected position like the other non-eboard positions.


Re: Debate Elections

Please tag your replies with your name.

The CTO will be an appointed position, and yes, the meetings are on the
21st and 28th


Re: Debate Elections

Two questions

1. Do I (or anyone else) need to submit a statement for CTO, and would it
count against the cap of 2 statements?
2. By March 20th and 27th, you mean 21st and 28th, right?


Re: Debate Elections

Which positions are mutually exclusive? Can one hold a non-eboard
position and an eboard position?

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Re: Debate Elections


On 3/10/06, Rutgers Debate Union wrote:

do you really have to power to prevent people from voting ?

Friday, March 10, 2006

Re: Debate Elections

do you really have to power to prevent people from voting ?

Debate Elections

Hi everyone,

I meant to talk about this at last week's meeting but it started getting late, and most of you were cramming for exams anyway.
Elections are going to be run a little bit differently this year.  All candidates will directly announce their intention to run for a position (no peer nominations) at the March 20 general meeting.  Elections will take place the following week (March 27) in time for the new president to be able to attend the APDA meeting at Fordham Nationals (April 7), where the Spring Schedule will be created.

We're doing things differently this year.  Candidates will submit written statements the week before elections instead of making speeches.  At the election meeting, each candidate will be given a short period of time to answer questions from the voting body, before the votes are cast by secret ballot.


- A candidate may submit a maximum of two candidate statements.  In other words you may only run for two positions, there will be no dropping down to run for other positions if you are not elected to the position you initially wanted (e.g. If I submitted statements for President and VP, and lost both elections, I could not then include myself in the VP Finance race). 

- At the Election meeting, candidates will not be permitted to be in the room, or ask questions of a another candidate running for the same position during the questioning portion.

- Any candidate caught (by me, or reported to me) speaking disparagingly of another candidate will be barred from participating in any race, or voting at the Election meeting.  Any non-candidate doing so will be prevented from voting, and will not be allowed to attend the election meeting, or will be asked to leave.

- Candidate statements do not have a minimum or maximum length, because I think this will be self-limiting if people want to be effective.

Vacant Positions (with brief descriptions of expected duties):

The E-Board:

President: The President is expected to oversee in some capacity all the activities of the team.  Specific duties involve representing Rutgers in the general APDA body, communication with all APDA teams and tournaments, coordinating all other E-board and non-E-board positions, coordinating RUDU meetings, and representing RUDU at Rutgers.  In addition to the many nebulous duties above, the President will also serve as Co-Tournament Director at the 2007 Rutgers Invitational.

Vice President:  The VP will assume all Presidential duties if necessary.  Additionally, VP will absorb the former duties of VP Operations, responsibility for weekly communication with the team, and recording the decisions of the E-board.  Finally, the VP will also coordinate all Community Debates.

VP Finance:  VP Finance, is, unsurprisingly, responsible for all the financial activities of RUDU, and will be the main conduit for dealing with the SFAO, dealing with Tournament financial issues, and creating budget proposals (both general, and for specific fundraising initiatives, e.g. Worlds).

Varsity Coach:  Education of varsity members, coordinating varsity practice rounds.

Novice Coach:  Education of novice members, coordinating novice practice rounds.  In some capacity the Novice coach will also help the PR Officer in recruiting.

Non-E-Board positions:

Tournament Director:  Actually, Co-tournament director with the President, coordination of our Spring Tournament (a gross understatement).

Public Relations Officer:  Will direct recruiting new members at the beginning of each semester, advertise meetings, and publicize activities and achievements of the team.

Special positions:

Chief Technology Officer:  Historically this position has been appointed by the E-board, and Will Mon has done a fantastic job.  As he is graduating, I sort of appointed Ed Fu to take up the banner.  Realizing, this may not have been the most democratic thing to do, anyone who wishes to moderate the website (including updating tournaments results and individual performance on a weekly basis), listserv, blog, they may announce their intention to oppose Ed at the March 20 meeting.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Welcome to the spiffy new Rutgers Debate mailing list!

Hi all,

This is Ed speaking, I'm just handling some technical things. We've set up a combination blog / mailing list so that it's easier to communicate amongst ourselves when we need to.

But first - if you DO NOT want to be on this mailing list anymore, send me an email at

DO NOT simply reply to this message!
That will cause your email to be sent to everyone else. Send it to my PERSONAL email address -

For those of you that want to be on the mailing list:

To read old emails - we've set this up in combination with a blog that can be found here - In other words, you can read up on all old emails/news and such there. You can even find this email there right now.

To post to this mailing list - simply reply to any of these messages (or send an email to and your email will be sent to both the blog and to everyone's inboxes. If you don't want your email on the blog but still want to send it to everyone, for whatever reason, send your email to And of course you can always email Carl directly at

To badger people about this mailing list -
pester me or Will Mon ( This includes begging for moderator/admin privileges on the list (...not that I expect anyone to actually do so).

So again - if you decide you don't want to receive these emails anymore - send an email to ME at - do not reply to this email if you don't want to send it to everyone.


Thursday, March 02, 2006


I've gone and cleaned up the old posts, since they had passwords and such. Will and Carl, you two should already have copies of the emails.

Now all we need to do is just to add everyone onto this mailing list.